
  • Prada Sunglasses Saved

    Grace thought her Prada sunglasses were finished until we were recommended to her. The hinge had been torn out of the front of the frame making the...
  • The power of re-use

    Many years ago I bought a water bottle while on a trip. I'll admit I was drawn to the aesthetics more than the usability but I consider aesthetics ...
  • Is recycling fashion so revolutionary?

    "I'm not saying fast fashion is dead and I am sure there will be a huge upsurge in clouting buying once we are out of this but I do hope people take stock of their purchases in future."
  • Budget Lens Transitions Offer

    Our supplier for our Budget Lenses has given us the opportunity to give you a discount on lenses. It runs from now till December 4th. You can have standard index, single vision, Transition lenses with anti-reflective coatings for £71.70 instead of the usual £119.70.
  • Premium Lens Special Offer

    If you buy any Hoya lens from our Premium Lens Collection then you will be entitled to a second pair at half price. Any lens, any treatment. Transitions, Mirror coating, thinner lenses, whatever your heart desires.
  • Edenred Eyecare Vouchers

    We accept Eyecare vouchers from Edenred. Replace your lenses using your company benefit.
  • Another Lockdown?

    The recent spike in Covid-19 cases would indicate a second wave is coming. During the intitial lockdown, many of you were unable to have your glass...